The costs of petrol, diesel, and gas are rising at an all-time high. It is becoming really hard to maintain a budget while using vehicles that need any kind of fuel. In this era, it is way more economical to use an electric vehicle as it saves a lot of costs fuel wise. Electric vehicles are also environmentally friendly and help in benefiting the environment.
And, We are here to gear up your biking Experience with Power Electric Vehicles. We will soon be taking bookings once the showroom is open in Kakinada. Our manufacturing company will also be providing benefits to our clients like Fast charging technology, battery swapping, and free service for one year. We are also planning on setting up various fast charging points in different spots in the city so that no one will face any issues. We are also interested in allowing dealerships to expand our business to one and two-tier cities.
The founder of the company is Sai Sameer Reddy. He had completed his masters from the UK. Power EV was founded in 2021, His motive behind establishing the company was to manufacture an eco-friendly and budget-friendly electric bike that is way better than the traditional bikes with a glamorous and sporty look and many additional features that are not present in the traditional motorcycle. This bike put an end to all the things that are on the market about any electric vehicle. At present, Power EV'S electric bike is the best in the market.
The motive of power electric vehicles is to provide a win-win situation as they are suitable for the environment and are low maintenance.
To create the most compelling motorcycle of 21st Century by driving the india's transition to electric Vehicles.
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